In education, we always say that building relationships with our students is so
important. But what are tangible ways of doing that? How can we actually build solid
relationships with our students?

As I was considering these questions, I decided to put together a list of 100 ways to build relationships with students. My hope is that this list gives you some new, fresh ways for you to connect with your students.
Have lunch together
Be genuine
Learn about their cultures
Teach them about yours
Learn words and phrases of the languages they speak
Be honest
Tell them your story
Share your life experiences
Go to their sports games or activities
Always say good morning
Always say goodbye
Hold a morning meeting
Provide time for kids to share
Be authentic
Ask them questions
Be supportive
Find things to love about every kid
Give praise
Shower them with positive reinforcement
Say, “I care about you”
Say “I love you”
Advocate for them
Find resources to get them food, clothes, or whatever they need
Give snacks
Provide a safe space
Accept them for who they are
Give high fives, knucks, & hugs
Always check in
Ask about their weekend
Ask about their family
Ask questions
Make time for them
Make jokes
Talk about current events
Teach SEL
Develop a risk-tolerant environment
Repair harm when it happens
Look them in the eyes
Share your emotions
Let them share their feelings
Show up to the concerts & recitals
Be extra encouraging
Be consistent
Be reliable
Show up when you say you will
Do home visits
Send home positive emails
Learn about their home lives
Show that you care
Let them teach you things they know
Let them show you what they are good at
Validate them
Give affirmation
Say, “you are loved”
Tell them why they are special
Say, “you matter”
Encourage self-expression
Help them feel valued
Express yourself
Let the little things go
Make sure they get breakfast
Show that you understand
Truly listen
Hear all sides of the story
Support them, even when mistakes are made
Be their biggest cheerleader
Make your love unconditional
Stay connected, even after years have passed
Be a trusted adult
Celebrate their successes
Get their names & pronouns right
Show them grace
Be understanding
Cut them a little slack when they need it
Make them laugh
Make them smile
Share stories from your life
Be patient
Make them feel seen
Make them feel heard
Make them feel comfortable
Offer your help
Ask what they need
Boost their self confidence
Play games together
Stay up to date on pop culture
Follow their favorite sports teams
Invite them to help you with a special project
Find things you have in common
Go on a field trip (and chat with them on the bus!)
Play & do activities during indoor recess
Say, “I missed you!” after being absent
Share pictures and videos
Participate in restorative circles
Notice their strengths and talents
Connect with the people they love & care about
Give them an abundance of love
What else would you add to this list? Let me know what you think by sending me a message over on Instagram @always.upper.elementary or tagging me in your posts! I would love to hear your favorite ways to build relationships with your students! :)
Also, make sure to follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers at this link! You will be the first to know about my sales, freebies, and newest products.
Happy teaching!
